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Banking On Your Smartphone: How Secure Is It?

More than half of all banking customers conduct their banking on their smartphone because it is quick, easy and convenient. And it’s no wonder why this number is so great: smartphones are increasingly being integrated into the lives of many Americans […]

DOL releases much-anticipated proposal to change overtime regulations

On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Labor released its proposed rule to change overtime regulations.  The focus of the proposed change is to increase the minimum salary threshold under the "white collar" exemptions from $23,660 to $50,440 per year.  […]

Federal Regulators Push Community Banks To Up Cybersecurity

At the end of January, federal regulators strongly encouraged small community banks across the country to take measures to bolster their cybersecurity, and specifically asked that community banks take care to monitor the activities of vendors that handle […]

How Do Banks Protect You From Cybersecurity Breaches?

It is completely understandable to feel a sense of anxiety when you hear the words “cybersecurity breach” and “bank” in the same sentence. What reasonable person wouldn’t be concerned? You put your hard earned money into […]

Employer may fire employee for use of medicinal marijuana

Numerous states have authorized the use of medicinal marijuana.  Several others have even permitted limited recreational use.  How does this movement coincide with an employer's "zero tolerance" policy of prohibiting drug use, whether during or after […]

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear "Sincerity of Beliefs" Case

What is a “religious belief”?  Can an employer question the sincerity of an employee’s alleged religious beliefs? The U.S. Supreme Court previously defined "religious belief" as a belief that is "religious" in the employee’s own scheme of things […]

Michael A. Logan