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Fast food non-compete agreements?

Fast food is very secretive.  Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken has eleven secret herbs and spices.  Bakers have attempted to reverse engineer Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, but it remains a closely held secret.  Coca Cola has had […]

Richard L. Hathaway

The Impact of Criminal Background Legislation and Litigation

Every employer has or like will face this dilemma at one point or another.  A good candidate for employment is located, the interviews go well, and now you simply have to complete the criminal background check as the last step to employment […]

Michael A. Logan

Uber: Is it Safe (Part 2)

In Delhi, in response to the report of an alleged rape by one of its drivers, Uber announced that it is taking additional steps to screen drivers.  Uber has hired a "local team of specially-trained safety experts" to help ensure that its drivers […]

Michael A. Logan

UBER: Is it Safe?

Uber hires "independent contractors" to serve as drivers, while it's software (in particular, it's cell phone apps) serves as the dispatch center and handles payment.  It is an innovative use of technology, and it has been very successful to date.  […]

Michael A. Logan

The Holiday Party Season—Celebration or Employer Nightmare?

As we move past Thanksgiving, many companies will hold parties to celebrate the holiday season. These parties are a great morale booster and provide a means to recognize outstanding employees, as well as celebrate and give thanks for your company’s […]

Dress Codes In The Workplace: Are They Discriminatory

Many employers have adopted dress codes in the workplace that contain restrictions on a number of commonly seen "trends" that are prevalent among young employees.  In particular, there is a rise in the number of employers who prohibit tattoos from being […]

Michael A. Logan

Franchisor Strikes Out in Bankruptcy Court

Occasionally, a case comes along that shows how things can go wrong for a franchisor in bankruptcy court.  Cumberland Coral, LLC, is just such a case.  To learn more about the case and the issues raised for franchisors and franchisees […]

Make Sure Your Wellness Program Gets a Clean Bill of Health

With the rising costs of healthcare and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, more employers are offering or revamping wellness programs that that are aimed at incentivizing employees to adopt healthier lifestyles.  These programs include things […]

Bankruptcy Court: It Is the Proper Forum for Trade Secret Dispute

To find out how one bankruptcy court addressed these issues, click on the link below to an article written by Angie Offerman and recently published in the ABI Technology & Intellectual Property Committee Newsletter: […]