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Framing Issues

The Handshake Agreement Should be a Thing of the Past…

As scholars embark on a quest to define the parameters of an acceptable handshake/handshake equivalent and American businesses return to work with a new normal, the handshake agreement should disappear in its entirety from the continuation or start of […]

David R. Thrasher

Coverage for Business Losses – Property Damage No Longer Required?

Most commercial property insurance policies include insuring agreements that require direct physical loss or damage to covered property as the triggering event. Without establishing direct physical loss or damage, a policyholder traditionally cannot […]

Executive Order GA 14 - Summary for Construction Services

Governor Greg Abbott issued a new Executive Order GA 14 relating to statewide continuity of essential services and activities during the COVID-19 disaster.  The executive order supersedes any conflicting order issued by local officials in response […]

Impacts on the Construction Industry from Texas’ 86th Legislative Session (Part 3 of 3)

As of June 14, 2019, with certain exceptions, a governmental entity asserting a claim for damages to real or personal property caused by an alleged construction defect in a public building or public work against a contractor, subcontractor, supplier, […]

Impacts on the Construction Industry from Texas’ 86th Legislative Session (Part 2 of 3)

Subchapter C of the Professional Services Procurement Act (Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code) has been revised to establish requirements for the procurement of contingent fee contracts for legal services by political subdivisions, including school […]