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Law In The Workplace

OSHA updates for 2016

Two meaningful developments have transpired in the Occupational Safety & Health realm.  First, the fines for violations have been adjusted for inflation and significantly increased.  Second, employers may now report fatalities and other serious […]

Trade Secrets: Three Ways you May be Unwittingly Sharing Yours.

Trade secrets come in many forms.  They commonly include customer lists, programming data, pricing information, cost matrices and secret recipes.   Whatever information a company develops or acquires for the purpose of having a competitive edge that […]

Richard L. Hathaway

Texas Supreme Court To Decide How Best To Protect Trade Secrets

The Texas Supreme Court recently agreed to hear oral arguments in a case closely watched by the business community, given that the Court is expected to provide guidance on how a company can protect its trade secrets that are at issue in an injunction […]

Background Checks? Be Careful!

Class action lawsuits relating to background checks of applicants and current employees are a very hot area among plaintiff's employment lawyers.  The number of Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) lawsuits has proliferated significantly over the past couple […]

Overtime Lawsuits At Near Record High Levels

Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (“TRAC”), a research center established in 1989 to obtain detailed information regarding various filings at federal agencies, recently released data concerning the number of overtime […]

Don't Forfeit an Employee's Exempt Status

One of the most significant employment law risks currently facing employers are collective action lawsuits brought by current or former employees claiming they were not paid overtime. These lawsuits are often the result of misclassifying employees as […]

Are you using pre-employment tests as part of the interview process?

If your company uses pre-employment tests to screen individuals in an attempt to find the best candidates during the interview process, then Target Corporation's payment of $2,800,000 to the EEOC might catch your attention.  The EEOC announced yesterday […]


The Family Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid and job protected leave.[1] During the course of the FMLA leave, employees are entitled to maintain group health benefits in the same condition as if the […]