Energy Law Today
Condemnation and Eminent Domain in the Oilfield and Beyond
In the latest episode of our energy law podcast, the Managing Partner of KRCL's Houston office, Marcy Rothman, addresses recent developments on a topic that pipelines and other energy companies confront on a regular basis: condemnation and eminent […]
“Latent Occupational Disease” Rule Inapplicable to Frac Fluid Exposure Causing Skin Cancer
In Schlumberger Technology Corporation v. Pasko, the plaintiff alleged he contracted skin cancer as a result of his exposure to frac fluid. The original exposure occurred in May 2013 when the plaintiff was asked to clean up a fluid spill, which […]

SCOTX: Term Royalty Interests Survive the Rule Against Perpetuities
It is one of those arcane principles discussed at length in textbooks that manifests itself in the real world far less frequently: the rule against perpetuities, the notion "that no interest within its scope is good unless it must vest […]

Pennsylvania Departs from Texas on Trespass by Hydraulic Fracturing
In Texas, the long-standing "rule of capture" controls claims for subsurface trespass predicated on hydraulic fracturing activities. The rule of capture is, of course, shorthand for the theory that landowners acquire title to the minerals […]

“Data Dump” Trade Secrets Prosecution Tactics: Untouched by SCOTX in the Oil Patch
The tactic is used by plaintiffs’ and defense attorneys alike – and in each scenario, the receiving side feels the pain. The hourly-rate defense attorney reviews those 50,000 pages at the standard billable rate, and the contingent-fee plaintiffs […]

Oil and Gas Law: 2018 Thus Far
Although the New Year is still young, there are already many legal developments to report in the oil and gas sector. In no particular order, this is a cross-section of what has emerged at the intersection of the law and the energy industry thus far in […]

Emerging Oilfield Bankruptcy and Insolvency Issues
In the newest episode of our energy law podcast, the head of KRCL's Distressed Strategies Practice Group, Michael Ridulfo, discusses some of the bankruptcy pitfalls facing even the healthiest of companies operating in the upstream and midstream segments […]

Practical Advice for Protecting Trade Secrets in the Oil and Gas Industry
In this week's episode of the firm's energy law podcast, labor and employment partner AJ Johnson is featured in the second installment of a six-part series with guest speakers from Kane Russell Coleman Logan PC on a variety of key and […]

Oil and Gas Law: 2017 Year in Review
At the end of the year, I like to take stock—in summary form—of the leading decisions impacting the energy industry. Historically, this has been for my own personal reference, or something I share inside our firm with my partners. Since this crib […]

Texas Court of Appeals Decides Major Mineral Ownership Row
On December 14, 2017, the Corpus Christi Court of Appeals decided Haywood WI Units, Ltd. v. B&S Dunagan Investments, Ltd., et al., a long-running dispute over the ownership of minerals in Liberty County. The decision addresses mineral deed […]
Pitfalls in Purchase and Sale Agreements in the Oil Patch
In this special episode of the firm's energy law podcast, KRCL Director Bruce Flowers is featured in the first installment of a six-part series with guest speakers on a variety of key and emerging legal issues impacting the oil-and-gas […]